Full Moon in Gemini Ritual December 2019

Humans are cyclical beings living in a cyclical world. We wake up and go to sleep every day. We see that in nature like when the sun sets and the moon rises. 

For ladies, our hormones run on a 28-day cycle. For men, your hormones run every 24 hours. 

In addition, we have seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall. If we pay close attention to nature and our own lives we see that our lives are cyclical. 

There is tremendous power when we live in harmony with nature. One way I like to practice being in harmony with nature is doing a Full Moon Ritual. 

First, let me explain how full moon rituals got started…

  • What does the full moon symbolize? 

    It is an ancient tradition that the full moon was seen as a time for harvest. When the moon is at its full peak it often a time when plants were ripe and ready to pick.

  • How can we incorporate this into our everyday lives? 

    During the Full Moon, it is a great time to celebrate what is blossoming in your life. It is also a great time to illuminate what subconscious beliefs or habits you are ready to release. This is what we call a Full Moon Ritual.

  • We can take our full moon ritual to the next step by aligning what astrological sign it falls in.

    During December, the full moon falls in Gemini.

    The Gemini sign represents communication and learning. Since December is the last month of the year, it is a great time to take a moment and reflect on all the lessons you have learned this year.

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How To Do A Full Moon Ritual

Set aside at least 30 - 60 minutes during the full moon to set intentions and clear any negative energy you may be holding on to.

The Gemini Full Moon is officially December 11, 2019. However, you can start your full moon ritual as early as one night before and up to two nights after the full moon.

Begin with a meditation and sage your room to clean the energy in your space.

Answer the following journal prompts below that I have specifically designed for the Gemini Full Moon:

  • Did you accumulate new knowledge this year? Perhaps you read a book or took a class that helped in your business, career, or personal life. Write these down and celebrate your mental growth.

  • What lessons did you learn this year? What things did not go your way and what did you learn about yourself? Write these down and release any negative beliefs that came up.

  • Write out 10 “I AM grateful” statements to end your full moon practice with a gratitude rampage.

Doing this practice will help you manifest more in 2020 because you are taking the time to see what worked for you and what didn’t work for you in 2019.

Energetically you are releasing any negative energy you are holding onto and you are ending the year 2019 with a heart filled with gratitude.

With love and gratitude,
Shannon Taruc
Your Spiritual Millennial