What To Do When You Lose Something You Care About

This past week I realized my website was completely shut down.

All my files had disappeared and I had no idea how to get them back. SHIT… this was completely my fault. I forgot to renew my hosting, and consequently my host provider took down my site.

The reason why i didn’t even realize it was gone is because I strayed away from constantly updating my site. The universe basically gave me a big message -  use it or lose it.

The funny thing is, I have been contemplating building a new website for the past 6 months, but I never got around to it.

I called my website provider and they said they could restore everything back to normal for $150, i would get all my old files back and it would revert back to how it was.

However, I was faced with the decision- did I want to pay $150 to go back to the website i was barely using? Would I actually tend to it and take care of it? Or would I let it sit there dormant again?

Then I thought to myself-  is this my chance to have a fresh new start? Was this the fire i needed to light my butt and get the motivation and create a website I was going to love and be active on?  

When things get destroyed in your life- it  can seem like a devastating thing. Maybe you lost your job or you found out your boyfriend cheated on you- or like me- lost your website with 3 years of content. At first glance it seemed like a disaster and I was left feeling emotionally broke. The truth is you can never lose what is truly yours in the first place.

When moments like this happens, it gives you the chance to really look at the situation face value and ask yourself is this what you really want? Are you following the path of your divine destiny? Or is this a detour in your life and your internal GPS is rerouting you back on track?

Life is meant to work out for you. Your birthright is to live happily ever after. Unfortunately, we let our ego take control and it leads us off our divine path. These hardships we face are meant to build character in us and help us understand who we are and what makes us happy. But we can’t let our ego take control for too long because then we are just left feeling lost. The good thing is your soul will put up a battle to get you back on track and when disasters happen out of the blue- consider that a wake up call from your inner self.  Your soul is telling you to take a step back, re-evaluate- and start moving on your divine path.

For me- that meant making a new website. Just because I felt like it was more convenient to stay with my old website it actually harmed me because I know longer felt inspired by it. I let it hold me back from creating more content and sharing it with others. I didn’t want to put in the work of building a new website even though I knew I needed to. The universe made it loud and clear what I needed to do once it wiped my old one away.

What are you still holding on to that you need to let go of? When a disaster hits it sucks. I’m not telling you to be happy it happened, but be instead think about what message the universe is trying to send you. Everything in your life that happens to you is attracted by you. Everything that happens in your life is meant to bring you to your ultimate happiest self. Next time something unfortunate and unexpected happens ask yourself these two questions: “What is the universe trying to tell me? 2. “What direction should I take to bring me back to my divine path?.” Trust your inner voice and know that everything always works out for you in the end.

Love and gratitude,


Shannon Taruc